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    Friday, November 28, 2008

    Wayward Thoughts

    I have always wanted to create a post that is as spontaneous as the thoughts that floods my mind right now. But as I start to put them into words, I find that my mind has gone blank again.

    Let me start with : It's two o'clock in the morning and I"m busy (or atleast trying to keep busy) typing away thoughts that keep on straying every now and then. I refuse to be pressured by this compulsive need to make (or compose, whichever is the right term) something out of my wayward thoughts. But ofcourse, I still am. Right now I feel like one of EVANESCENE's song with lyrics that goes "I tried to kill the pain, but only brought more.. so much more". That no matter how I try to keep up with my thoughts, what I want to write down still eludes me. (For the past hour, these few sentences are the only ones that I came up with). Some thoughts, eh.

    Lemme try again: It's now 3:16am on the switchboard (this is the standard Philippine time by the way), indeed considered one of the dead hours of the night by my own standard. Yes, I am again at work, fighting off sleepiness, plurking, chatting, texting, taking calls from time to time (but mostly there's none so I get to have more time doing practically nothing, if none of those mentioned above appealed to my interest). Now I've turned my attention on blogging (which looks or feels more like "blabbing" to me!). Its like talking to oneself, what with words silently composed inside ones head and jotted down as fast as ones fingers could type 'em down. Technically, I consider blogging as another way of talking to myself, difference is, I don't get to hear the words that I'm thinking about 'cause instead of saying them, I type them down. (There, I needed to get it out of my system! Whoever invented or discoverd blogging!? Kudos to them!)

    I don't know for certain if I was able to achieve my goal (to compose something as spontaneous as I can possibly make it) when I started this entry. But I did realize that my mind seemed to have a mind of its own when it comes to this! (I was never good at writting compositions, and this is just another proof of that fact!) My mind's racing on ideas that I so badly want to get a hold of but cannot. What are they?! (.....I'm still trying to catch 'em!)

    Taking Chances

    I have finally "come to terms with stitches and burns" so to speak, as I went through the complexities of managing and updating my plurk page. Now I've even made a blog account, (which I didn't have any intention of doing, but did anyway, so here goes nothing)..

    I got bored waiting for calls to come through (yes, I am at work while doing this) Figured I need to get busy to pass the time , and no better way to do it than PLURK! to which I've been a member since I turned 23 back in September. See, I haven't changed the background (you know the original profile thingy) up until a couple of minutes ago my page has the same orange-blue colored background. I got bored with it so I decided to edit my profile and a whole lot good it did me, even increased my karma by 1.25%. So it's cool. Then I came across editing the WIDGET.. (which I didn't have any idea about while I was doing it) then I came upon the option of embedding it (where?! with a scratch on my head I entered this site here and voila! it dawned on me, I must have a blog account in order to make use of that widget!).

    So now, this here is a product of my eagerness to kill time at work on a midnight shift, doing practically nothing on the dead hours of the night.. or should I say dawn.. Yikes! Now I've less than 45minutes before my shift ends. Got a couple of wake-up-calls to do. I wonder what's for breakfast...