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    Wednesday, May 12, 2010

    Traits of a playah :p

    I can claim to be faithful in general. But as a rule, I trust not anybody. Loyalty can be my str0ngest point but then again, I'm not always honest. Being gullible is my game. Because of a pers0nal delusi0n that nobody would make a fool out of others on purpose, and never without a valid reas0n. [though, its never clear to me what constitutes a valid reas0n! :p]

    I always try to see [to the point of exhausti0n] the good in everybody. But do me wr0ng and I can be expected to be ruthless in judgement. I was never good in forgetting, and equally poor in forgiving!

    Men outside the sphere of my family have time and time again proven their worth. And what a pity to have never been wr0ng to expect such outc0me. These days, they seem to only be g0od for one thing, or n0thing at all. Like you can expect them to just let you down in the end, just when it matters the most, when you really need 'em! And I find myself lossing what little respect I have left for their gender. .

    -My bad, this isn't a n0te about being a man-hater, n0r is it one of the traits of a playah. And for the record, I'm n0t a man-hater [not yet, atleast! :p] for they still bel0ng to my list of vanities! **lmao** Peace out Men. Your gender has been the top c0ntender in the battle of the sexes. But time's a'changing.. More and more playah are comin' out everyday. Time for some R&R, baby! XD