here comes the random things that is me.. XD
1. I TEND TO ASK SILLY QUESTIONS! (Like, why 25 random things?! Why not 24?!)
2. I RARELY USE MY REAL NAME! (So rare that it takes a while before ako maka respond if you call me by it. I would automatically give out a name if asked, but you can bet it will not be the one on my birth certificate! XD)
3. I HAVE A MISGUIDED SENSE OF LOYALTY, AND CLAIM TO BE HONEST! (They say us Librans are extremely loyal, yun lang were not always honest!!!)
4. I HAVE COME TO DETEST THE COMMENT : "kaniwang sa imo, pagpatambok na dabe!" (As if its my fault that i'm skinny since time immemorial! gimme a break!)
5. I BECAME A "MOM" BEFORE MY 21st BIRTHDAY (A short-lived experience, low-mortality rate. I beat my own mum to it, though. She was 21 when she had our eldest bro XD)
7. I TEND TO GET ATTRACTED TO "GAY-MEN" THAN STRAIGHT ONES! (I adore darren hayes of savage garden, i like lance of nsync, and theres stephen of boyzone, oh and yeah, crush ko si rustom padilla back in 1992! har har and! I used to have a crush on our principal back in highschool, who was a priest and rumored: "gay" bwahahah wicked!)
8. I'M A MIDDLE-CHILD (minus the syndrome! XD)
9. STRAY ANIMALS COULD EASILY BRING TEARS TO MY EYES THAN STREET CHILDREN WOULD! (Does this mean animalistic ako!? uhh.. wait, that doesn't sound right ~.~)
10. I'M A SENSUAL PERSON! (period)
11. I STARTED GROWING MY NAILS WHEN I WAS IN GRADE-4! (Now di na ako sanay with short nails, they have to be in a certain length!)
13. I'M CURRENTLY LISTENING TO CORRINE MAY'S "SHELTER" (I can't work na walang background music. I'd rather listen to the radio than watch the telly. But I'd rather talk than listen! hahaha)
14. BUM AKO FOR HALF A YEAR! (By choice and by chance,though I hope to be back on track soon)
15. I LIKE TO BELIEVE THAT I'LL GET EVERYTHING I WANT, SIMPLY BY WANTING IT! (Then bemoan the cruelties of Fate who, in her own way never fails to give me exactly what i ask for)
16. THE ANAGRAM OF MY NAME "ALDRENE" IS "LEARNED" (Learn it, live it, love it! I still remember the time mum taught me to spell it, that was before I entered school at kinder2! We were at the veranda of our old house sa Roxas.. Somehow, tumatak sa isip ko the importance of having your name spelled right.. But using it all the time is not a necessity, to me atleast! XD)
17. SOMEDAY, I'LL SWIM WITH THE DOLPHINS! (In open seas! I have to learn how to swim right pa muna pala! XD)
18. I WAS BORN ON A TUESDAY.. MY 1ST BORN WAS BORN ON A TUESDAY.. (Would have loved to be nicknamed "tuesday")
19. I WANTED TO BE MARRIED IN SEPTEMBER, ON MY 24TH YEAR! (I still haven't made up my mund on whether I should thank Fate for not granting me this!.. wait.. wala pa pala ang 9th month! XD.. have my fingers-crossed! more importantly, wala pa pala ako boyfriend! hahahahah)
20. MY FRIEND BABAK INTRODUCED ME TO "PORN" BACK IN COLLEGE (Honestly, its only with him that I'm comfortable watching it with! hahahah.. bakit kaya!?)
21. MATIISIN AKONG TAO (I'd tiis my gutom than cook, I'll conserve my energy by staying in bed and be a total laggard, ok I blame this on laziness. I also have high tolerance for pain! I hardly notice it until I see my wound. Someone once accused me of being masochistic. Guilty as charged! XD)
22. I WEAR SIZE-8 FOR SHOES, 7 FOR SANDALS, 9 FOR FLIPFLOPS! (Don't wonder for clothes, kid's size fit me best!)
23. I'VE JOINED EVERY EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES IN SCHOOL, EXCEPT THE ONES THAT INVOLVED CHURCH WORK! (So I was a patrol-leader in girlscout, corp commander in CAT, president in H.S council, a majorette, school paper editor, but never the cathechist! XD)
24. I'M EASY! (In all the sense of the word! Easy to talk to, easy to be with, easy to get! Heck, I'd sell myself short anytime, as long as everything is negotiated under my terms!)
25. CURRENT KRYPTONITE=RELATIONSHIPS! (I don't believe I suck at them, but.. honestly, I seem to have lost faith in them.. and men are just men!.. but whaddaheck! I'll add having a boyfriend on my list of "must have" this year! hikhikhik Coz I hate lossing, especially to myself! I say : "BRING IT ON, FATE!" )