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    Tuesday, June 21, 2016


    I hurt as the sun sweeps rays of hope to all but one. I cry until all the earth's river has gone dry. I die a little each time we say goodbye. Inconsolable in the nothingness. I am devoid of feelings i try to forget. Bereft of a chance to draw my last breath. It does not matter what this is. I am sick and tired of the never ending rants. I must not be one, i care not for anyone. I rather to be a bystander and not complain. Than be a strong voice whose action will never be seen. Ridiculed, judged, misunderstood and shamed. Ironic isn't it? I have long been gone but the ghost of me lingers. Oh, i must have done something worth nothing. I strived so hard. Oh, and the world does not have any idea how. Hard, i so strived. Damnation! This is not a rant. I am merely trying to express... "What?" you ask, I guess it is what it is.

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