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    Sunday, September 13, 2009

    Estranged Lover

    I seek your likeness in the sea of faces i meet everyday.

    Where, oh where are you, my lover?
    Why are we estranged?

    I try so hard to recapture your essence.
    I dream of your being at night.
    I wallow in lonliness of you absence.
    I curse at Fate for my sad plight.

    I desire not another.
    Indeed, i have no use for any other.
    Charmed and chained.
    I remain yours, unchanged.

    Why then?

    That : there are some, destined to fall in love, but could never be lovers.
    And : there are those, destined to be lovers, but could never fall in love.

    Now, i long for the lover i once had.
    To fall in love with, i delude myself not!
    I ask only to be with him again.
    To see for myself, that he suffered as much as i, only more pained!


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