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    Friday, July 2, 2010


    I woke up with a sudden burst of awareness.. The were birds singing.. For a m0ment, i thought i was back h0me.
    But i wasn't.
    Mem0ries of a distant past assailed my thoughts all at once.
    I was al0ne.
    It dawned on me, the realizati0n that there is n0 one here but me.
    Do i feel lonely?
    I honestly don't kn0w!
    Am i in a state of denial?
    I think n0t.
    I accept, and in truth, relish the idea of being by myself. I still find it a luxury to be able to keep to myself when it suits my purpose.
    So, i suppose i'm n0t lonely, n0t yet atleast.
    Alone, i would reflect on mem0ries that beg to be remembered. And there is always s0mething to remember. Everything in my childh0od.
    Everything back h0me.
    Every encounter that molded me into what i am n0w.
    I know.. I'm being sentimental. But, I have no cause to argue with myself on this..

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