they say : "what you don't know can't hurt you".. this may be true at some point in our lives, but that is not always the case. sooner or later, there will come along that good christian who never forgets the seven corporeal teachings and actually practices them!
(at least one, if not all seven!) and in this case, it is: "to instruct the ignorant"
now where will bliss be!?
ultimately, though, it will be replaced by enlightenment and a new faith. (hopefully!)
see that's why the truth often hurts. (a cliche, i know) but you must agree, though, the truth can set you free!
but then, most people would see truth in relative to their own stand point, the way they see fit, thus there are twisted truths.. lies in truths.
thank goodness for FREEWILL that enables us to choose and decide for ourselves what truths lie might there be..
jeez! oh-kay.. now i feel like i'm preaching!
i most certainly am not! at least, in my point of view, that is the truth indeed! (i'm just blabbing away thoughts)
wth, lemme just depart with this then : i know that you know now that the best way to tell a lie is to tell part of the truth. but do you know the best way to be corrected/forgiven!? (make a mistake/sin first!) GO FIGURE! ~.^
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