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    Wednesday, September 15, 2010

    Birthday Wish List

    Looking forward to have a blast on my 25th year. I'm 'na top it off with a birthday wish list. Here goes :

    >> world peace! [echuz]

    >> j.carey's "NAAMAH'S CURSE"

    >> water-proof lipstick

    >> shoes from WADE*

    >> tops from TANGERINE*

    >> skinny jeans from JAG*

    >> scarf from PASHMINA*

    >> spill-proof tumbler from STARBUCKS*

    >> have my legs waxed! Woot :p

    >> love throw-pillow [yong kulay pink or red at heart-shaped!]

    >> potted plant that flowers

    >> eyelash extensi0n!!!

    >> full-body scrub! Yeah-vah!

    >> visit DL in HK!

    >> havva loptop

    >> joy to the world [panalo!]

    >> final fantasy dissidia

    >> wall climbing!

    >> new journal

    >> best of nicleback cd [kung meron na]

    >> true friends!

    These, i'd like to have on my birthday. Kung hindi man, sa christmas pas0k pa rin, at saka new year din. At oo nga pala, di pweding mawala ang wish for a happy, and m0re birthdays to come! :p sali na rin siempre ang good health at l0ng life. Ready. Set. Game! For the next 25years. .

    Tuesday, July 27, 2010


    ayos! i finally took the time to sit back, relax and reflect some.
    napuna ko, mahigit kalahating taon na pala ang nakalipas sa 2010.
    anu na nga bang pinag-gagawa ko sa buhay ko?!

    kailangan mag buntong-hininga.

    wala masyado.

    may trabaho ako. to which i keep myself busy with, most of the time.
    so far, enjoy naman.
    i'm earning my keep. and as much as possible, i try to live by my means.
    lahat naka budget.
    managing my finances serves me well. i enjoy doing that, sa totoo lang.
    i get to learn control and discipline.
    not bad, when you're living alone at wala ka talagang maaasahan but yourself!

    there, i'm romanticizing my being independent!
    needless to say, masaya ako sa estado ng buhay ko ngayon.
    no over-sized responsibility to another being, but to myself.
    no committment to anyone. and heck, i'm more likely to commit myself to my work that to another person.

    sure, pwedi naman yon.

    but in retrospect, i'm wondering now if i'm beginning to become self-centered..

    diyan, di ako sure.
    hindi naman siguro.

    i'm still in a path to chasing liberty.
    so far, the costs are reasonable naman. yata?!

    naisip ko lang kasi, the best things in life are free.
    but the greater ones, they come with a price!

    now, living my life as i see fit.

    good thing, i still can afford to splurge XD

    Friday, July 2, 2010


    I woke up with a sudden burst of awareness.. The were birds singing.. For a m0ment, i thought i was back h0me.
    But i wasn't.
    Mem0ries of a distant past assailed my thoughts all at once.
    I was al0ne.
    It dawned on me, the realizati0n that there is n0 one here but me.
    Do i feel lonely?
    I honestly don't kn0w!
    Am i in a state of denial?
    I think n0t.
    I accept, and in truth, relish the idea of being by myself. I still find it a luxury to be able to keep to myself when it suits my purpose.
    So, i suppose i'm n0t lonely, n0t yet atleast.
    Alone, i would reflect on mem0ries that beg to be remembered. And there is always s0mething to remember. Everything in my childh0od.
    Everything back h0me.
    Every encounter that molded me into what i am n0w.
    I know.. I'm being sentimental. But, I have no cause to argue with myself on this..

    Wednesday, May 12, 2010

    Traits of a playah :p

    I can claim to be faithful in general. But as a rule, I trust not anybody. Loyalty can be my str0ngest point but then again, I'm not always honest. Being gullible is my game. Because of a pers0nal delusi0n that nobody would make a fool out of others on purpose, and never without a valid reas0n. [though, its never clear to me what constitutes a valid reas0n! :p]

    I always try to see [to the point of exhausti0n] the good in everybody. But do me wr0ng and I can be expected to be ruthless in judgement. I was never good in forgetting, and equally poor in forgiving!

    Men outside the sphere of my family have time and time again proven their worth. And what a pity to have never been wr0ng to expect such outc0me. These days, they seem to only be g0od for one thing, or n0thing at all. Like you can expect them to just let you down in the end, just when it matters the most, when you really need 'em! And I find myself lossing what little respect I have left for their gender. .

    -My bad, this isn't a n0te about being a man-hater, n0r is it one of the traits of a playah. And for the record, I'm n0t a man-hater [not yet, atleast! :p] for they still bel0ng to my list of vanities! **lmao** Peace out Men. Your gender has been the top c0ntender in the battle of the sexes. But time's a'changing.. More and more playah are comin' out everyday. Time for some R&R, baby! XD

    Tuesday, February 16, 2010

    Count Your Blessings!

    Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
    Count your gains instead of your losses.

    Count your joys instead of your woes;
    Count your friends instead of your foes.

    Count your smiles instead of your tears;
    Count your courage instead of your fears.

    Count your full years instead of your lean;
    Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.

    Count your health instead your wealth;
    Love your neighbor as much as youself.

    From an unknown author of a magazine i had the f0rtune of finding stuck at a magazine rack of the salon i visited to have my feet done. The message came across as : honga pala, wala pa akong new year's resolution for 2010! Not that i've ever obsserved a strict one in the years passed. So here goes. Maybe i sh0uld start n0w. . To count my blessings that is :p

    Sunday, February 7, 2010

    Gotta Be Somebody

    " This time I wonder what it feels like
    To find the one in this life
    The one we all dream of
    But dreams just aren't enough
    So I´ll be waiting for the real thing.
    I'll know it by the feeling.
    The moment when we´re meeting
    Will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen
    So I`ll be holdin` my breath
    Right up to the end
    Until that moment when
    I find the one that I'll spend forever with

    `Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
    'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
    Someone to love with my life in their hands.
    There`s gotta be somebody for me like that.

    `Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
    And everyone wants to know they´re not alone.
    Somebody else that feels the same somewhere.
    There`s gotta be somebody for me out there.

    Tonight out on the street out in the moonlight
    And damn it this feels too right
    It´s just like Déjà Vu
    Me standin` here with you
    So I´ll be holdin`my breath
    Could this be the end?
    Is it that moment when
    I find the one that I spend forever with?

    `Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
    'Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
    Someone to love with my life in their hands.
    There´s gotta be somebody for me like that.

    `Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
    And everyone wants to know they´re not alone.
    Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
    There`s gotta be somebody for me out there.

    You can´t give up!
    When you're Lookin´ for a diamond in the rough
    Because you never know when it shows up
    Make sure you´re holdin` on
    `Cause it could be the one, the one you´re waiting on

    i can't get over it.. i just love this song.. i've always adored Chad of Nickleback..
    i love his voice, i love his look, i love his aura, i love the way he sings his songs.. and this one is my new fave of Nickleback songs.. love 'em!!! :p

    Sunday, January 3, 2010

    soul searching

    i stare blankly at the source of light
    that cast haunted shadows i so detest in the dark..

    i taste the bitterness of betrayal again
    like acid it burns at me with gnawing pain..

    i swear you will never redeem what you have lost
    nor will i gain what i have decided to let go..

    die now, for to me you are dead
    die, and in memory you shall be buried..

    never to be forgotten, never to be forgiven
    your soul will forever cry for salvation in vain..

    be in good graces or suffer my wrath
    i'll carry this grudge to my grave, you have chosen your path..

    you will burn in hell with me,
    with not a chance of escape,
    not even in purgatory
