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    Sunday, August 30, 2009

    favorite stuff

    Fireworks display on weekends. 5 pillows. Good-feel 80's and 90's songs. Good-fitting shoes. Unexpected visits early in the morning. Lara Fabian's je suis malade. Tumbler. Good-read paperbacks on lazy days. Razor-back tops. Fancy papers. Stuffed-panda and white bear. My hair in the morning. Clinique's "sun-kissed" blush-on. A new pen. Vision of a sunset. Mango-flavored drinks and cakes. Gboy's drawings. 2320H. Cats, my cats. 2-hour nap in the aftern0ons. Ankle-lenght black socks. Long walks around Makati. Old letters. Tuesdays. Riding the tube [minus the rush]. Streamline of a sunray through the clouds. Dark-hued nail polish. Long baths. Gray scarf [pashmina]. Mobile phone. Pink piggy keychain that squells "oink" when you push a butt0n on its head [some days i wish it says "ribbit" for a change]. Black book journal. Immaculately clean nails. Having the house to myself. Travelling. Carusso handkerchief. Pay days. Perfect-fitting jeans [jag]. 24th day of the 9th month.
    Friends who stayed.
    Life's uncanny way of teaching lessons.
    Well-deserved respect.
    Everything in general.
    Nothing in particular...

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