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    Sunday, August 2, 2009

    4 a.m

    i had the weirdest dream last night. It involved aliens, trains, and the cast from grey's anatomy. It was crazy!

    I woke up at 4am, curled up in a ball and shivering, feeling super scared. What was i afraid of? Death? Being eaten alive? Or was it being alone?

    Like it maters!?

    It was just a dream, yet i woke up feeling like it followed me even in wakefulness. Well, atleast the scared part. Funny thing is, i had tried to capture that feeling after i've realized that it was just a dream and i'm alone in a bed big enough for two, and it was dark and i had to turn off the fan because i was cold and i had to pee.

    I think it was actually the urge to pee that woke me up.


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